If you or someone you know could use help with the cost of college then the Elks scholarship programs may be an option. I will list here three such programs. They have different requirements, so read carefully.
Emergency Educational Grants
You Must:
- Attend an accredited US college or university as a full time undergraduate student.
- Demonstrate financial need.
- Be unmarried and under the age of 24.
This scholarship pays a renewable $5,000 one year grant. You may apply between the dates of May 1st and November 1st of the academic year in which the funds are needed. Request an application by calling 773/775-4732 or email scholarship@elks.org. Learn more at enf.elks.org/eeg.
Legacy Awards
You Must:
- Be a college-bound high school senior with a parent or grandparent that is a dues-paying Elks member.
- Be successfully evaluated based on the four core principles: Knowledge, Community Service, Charity, and Integrity.
- Be willing to serve with the Elks throughout your college years for continued support.
This scholarship pays $4,000. You may apply starting September 1st, 2022 with a deadline of February 6th, 2023. Learn more at enf.elks.org/leg and enf.elks.org/legvolunteer.
MVP Scholarship Competition
You Must:
- Be a high school senior and US citizen.
- Be successfully evaluated based on these four criteria: Academics, Leadership, Financial Need, and Service.
This scholarship pays $4,000-$50,000 (over four years) based on rankings. You may apply starting August 1st, 2022 with a deadline of November 14th, 2022. Learn more at enf.elks.org/mvs.