Welcome our new members! Back l-r: Jack Choate, Maureen Choate, Sharon Collins, Chris Collins, Gary Weber, Keith Buller, Dixie Baird, Daniel Wile Front l-r: Louis Cannaliato, Tammi Cannaliato, ER Dana, Tamerut Adams, Patricia White, and Suanne Louton.
A warm welcome to our new members! L-R: Michael Stiff, David Mentzer, Delaine Brooks, Barbara Dayment, Douglas Hardin, Donna Dooley, ER Dana, Dana Julian, Pamella Woolley, James Woolley, Debra Ankrom, and Julie Konvalinka.
Please wElkome our newest members initiated November 4, 2021! Front row L-R: George Narancic, Ruth Narancic, Candy Martin, ER Dana, George Mansor, Monica Pacheco, Linda Deming. Back row L-R: Bruce Childs, Dave Golembewski, Richard Ankrom, Geneve Neal, Dennis Stacey, Renee Craid-Rezaie and Rita Olsen.
Please welcome these new members when you get the chance. From left to right: Joseph Kuhn, Pamela Castro, James Zollner, ER Dana Smith, Wilson Rogers, Sandra Inman, Greg Pecenka, and April Rogers.