Category: New Members

  • Welcome to our new members! From left to right: Elizabeth Alexander, Debera Cody, Guadalupe Moore, Randee Kragerud, Michael Kokernak, Charles “Tony” Urrea, Charles Collins, James McCulloh, Glenn Gunn, ER Mary Springer, Patti Jo Scarborough, Valerie Starr, Rhonda Buller, James Scroggs, Floyd Pike, Thomas McCarthy, and Michael Whitmore.

  • Welcome to our new members! Front Row from L-R: Donna Mead (our new bartender), Claudia Adkins, Janet Beckwith, ER Dana Smith, and Janyth Martin. Middle Row from L-R: Peggy Sinness, Susan Riess, Barry Riess, Jerry Cortes, and Sundan Oldfield. Back Row from L-R: Robert Edkins, Wayne Gillow, Patricia Sortore, and Raymond White

  • Welcome our newest members! In no particular order: Rebecca Anderson, Kyrie Brown, Norman Check, David Cordero, Ronald Couch, Thomas Ferguson, Donald Hamman, William Leeper, Jose Santiago, Judith Stein, Kimberly Swank, Roseann Watts, Tony Williams

  • Welcome to our newest members! In no particular order: Tom Landess, John McMillan, Ivan Mester, John Metzger, Lisa Moriarity, Tina Nelson, Jose Santiago, Patricia Sellars, Robert Shoulders, Jason Wakefield, Barry Wallace, Linda Wilder, Donald Coghill Jr, Timothy “Kent” Harvin, Dayton Hickson, and Elizabeth Hiteh

  • Please welcome our new members! L-R: Loyd Royal, Gregory Raymond, ER Dana Smith, Steven Culp, and Darrell Griffeth

  • Welcome to our newest members! L-R: Loyd Royal, Greg Raymond, ER Dana Smith, Steven Culp, Darrel Griffith

  • A warm welcome to these new members! L-R: Shirley Lyon, James Cullen, Suzi Cullen, ER Dana Smith, Earl Clark, Lauri Saffon, and Shelton Flowers

  • Front L-R:  Judy Christman and Bonnie Bradbury Back L-R:  Gary Sieler, Blaine Kimball, ER Dana, Scott Piccini, and Joe Canavier.

  • Back l-r:  Brian Lechliter, Michael McCallister, David McCallister Middle l-r:  Joseph Breault, Albert Masterson, Ernest Palmer, ER Dana, Phillip Scott, Paul Smith, Vic Kamber Front l-r:  Lori McCallister, Dolores Henderson. Nancy Coughlin, Joy Mernagh, Melinda Dahl, Mildred West and Maria Poole.