Enjoy the music of John Carpino! Dinner is served starting at 5:30pm with entertainment around 6pm. Help the Elks Lodge support our local musicians.
There will be music and dancing with DJ Mr Music! Enjoy your favorite tunes, make some requests, and get yourself a nice hot meal with friends.
Come enjoy the music of Dakota Kid! Have a good time with your friends at the Elks Lodge with dinner and dancing while supporting local artists.
Join us Friday night for the music of Country Ride. Bring your dancing shoes and come in for a great time at 6-9 pm. Dinner will be served at 5:30-7:30 pm. Join your Payson Elks Lodge in supporting our local bands.
Welcome to our new members! Front Row from L-R: Donna Mead (our new bartender), Claudia Adkins, Janet Beckwith, ER Dana Smith, and Janyth Martin. Middle Row from L-R: Peggy Sinness, Susan Riess, Barry Riess, Jerry Cortes, and Sundan Oldfield. Back Row from L-R: Robert Edkins, Wayne Gillow, Patricia Sortore, and Raymond White
Come hear the music of Gila County Monsters from 6-9pm. Help support our local bands and enjoy a nice dinner as well from 5:30-7:30pm.